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Showing posts from March, 2020

Don't get emotional with God, get intentional with HIM

It's true that God understands us as well as our emotions. But the truth is that if God is to answer our prayers according to our Emotions, there would be disasters. According to English dictionary, emotion is defined as; "A person's internal state of being and involuntary physiological response to an object or a situation, based on or tied to physical state and sensory data." While, intention is describe as; "The goal or purpose behind a specific action or set of actions." Note the two definitions and their meaning. So, stop serving God because of only what you want from him, but serve him intentionally with a conscious heart. In conclusion, serving God, praying to God and all manner of reference to God, shouldn't be done with emotions alone but should be intentional from your heart.

Think positive for yourself

One of the secrets of winning in life is positive thinking. Having a positive mindset about yourself, makes you feel and live like a king. Obviously, it isn't really a good thing to living in dreams of an unrealistic world. But I'll tell you, that it's a good thing to create a positive picture of yourself in your mind. Winning doesn't just start from your actions, it starts from your mind, it starts from how and what you think about yourself. Though sometimes, it may not look like it, but I assure you it makes you stronger and gives you hope about your future and your present condition. Remember, even the thoughts and plans God has for you is positive, so why are you now creating and allowing a negative thought in your  mind? Remember, as a man thinkest in his heart, so he is. From today, start thinking good about yourself, Start thinking good about all the circumstances surrounding you. It will bring you...