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I Missed Rapture

This isn't a copied message, neither is it a forged message. In fact, to tell you the truth I have backslide  (no longer with Christ).
I didn't think about rapture before going to bed. Infact, what was on my mind was how to make money and succeed in life. Please, take this seriously.

I'm sure most of us (if not all) have heard about rapture. Me too, I heard about it, and I just witnessed how it would be in my dream (please this is serious).

I was in the gathering of people in a place actually not knowing what we were all doing there, so I decided to go home.
I was on the street, walking home (still thinking about money even in my dream).
Almost close to my house, and suddenly, a light with a thick sound Flashed just once and immediately I said rapture, I felt that the earth was empty that I was alone.

I got home and went upstairs, standing on the veranda, I saw the dead that was long dead rising up from the grave, creatures in their dead state coming alive and going up towards heaven. Then I thought in my mind, if these dead creatures made it, why didn't could I not make it?.

So I decided to return to the gathering of people I left to confirm if what I was thinking actually was. On getting to the place, I saw some people wearing the same clothes (like a uniform) coming down from a bus and some with guns in their hands.

I joined the congregation and I met my course mate, and I asked him, what was going on? Then he said ONLY ONE person raptured. Immediately, the persons wearing uniform started coordinating us, shared us into groups and telling us what to do. Me and my group was told to go to a place, and in my mind I was asking God to forgive me but IT WAS TOO LATE. I was scared but there was none to turn to because we all have become a slave.
But thank God I woke up back to life, because that dream was like reality. It was totally strange. If there was a better way of explaining this dream I would have  done it.

It is coming but I don't know when. I missed rapture in my dream and I don't want to miss it in reality.
Think deep and ask yourself; if this rapture comes now, will I make it?

Change your ways, and return back to Jesus, cos he is the only one that can help you make it. Are you on the right track?

I missed rapture once, I pray I won't miss it again.


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