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Think about THIS+

-anonymous writer

Ponder over this

A bus full of passengers was traveling while. suddenly the weather changed and there was a huge downpour and lightening all around.

They could see that the lightening would appear to come towards the bus and then go elsewhere.

After 2 or 3 horrible instances of being saved from lightening, the driver stopped the bus about fifty feet away from a tree and said -

"We have somebody in the bus whose death is a certainty today."

Because of that person everybody else will also get killed today.

Now listen carefully what I am saying ..

I want each person to come out of bus one by one and touch the tree trunk and come back.

Whom so ever death is certain will get caught up by the lightening and will die & everybody else will be saved".

They had to force the 1st person to go and touch the tree and come back.

He reluctantly got down from the bus and went and touched the tree.

His heart leaped with joy when nothing happened and he was still alive.

This continued for rest of the passengers who were all relieved when they touched the tree and nothing happened.

When the last passenger's turn came, everybody looked at him with accusing eyes.

That passenger was very afraid and reluctant since he was the only one left.

Everybody forced him to get down and go and touch the tree.

With a 100% fear of death in mind, the last passenger walked to the tree and touched it.

There was a huge sound of thunder and the lightening came down and hit the bus - yes the lightening hit the bus, and killed each and every passenger inside the bus.

It was because of the presence of this last passenger that, earlier,the entire bus was safe and the lightening could not strike the bus.

LIFE LEARNING from this..

At times, we try to take credit for our present achievements, but this could also be because of a person right next to us.

Look around you - Probably someone is there around you, in the form of Your Parents, Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Siblings, Your friends, Your Colleagues, etc, who are saving you from harm..!

Think About it..

You will surely find that Person..!!

Beautiful Lines
    ''Alone I can 'Say' but
    together we can 'talk'.

    'Alone I can 'Enjoy' but
     together we can
    'Alone I can 'Smile' but
    together we can 'Laugh'.

    That's the BEAUTY of
    Human Relations.

    We are nothing without each other
    😊 Remain connected and do remember to intercede for someone today.


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