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Think big, Think great!

"But I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
people and I am called forth out of darkness into his marvelous light"
That's who and what I am in Christ. I know it and I believe it.

Who do you think you're?
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.

Listen to this!!!
Your attitude and your words shows the way you think and what you believe,  and what you think and believe becomes the limit you can get to in life.

Your thinking determines a lot about you. It reflects in your personality even though you try to hide it.
I'm sure you usually hear or say things like this;
"Who does she think she is? She behaves as if she's the only one that can sing". And truly visibly, she is the only one!

And you might have also heard or said;
"What does this guy thinks of himself? Does he thinks he can start imposing and commanding us? Then you ask, who made him our leader?
Actually, you just did!

Think greatly of yourself, believe in the good things in your thought and act swiftly upon it.

"  A man is of the products of his thoughts,  what he thinks,  he become"
-Mahatma Gandgi

Your mind is your first world,  and your thoughts controls that world.
Give it all it takes to think positively and know that you can attain any height you desire in life.



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