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The Night Season

  After graduating from high school in 2016 amongst the best,  I can't say I was the best but at least very well above average.
 I remembered my literature teacher back then saying to us "not all of you would gain admission this year," of course he was right but right then and there I categorized the people he was talking about and of course, I can't be part!

How wrong I was! That year I didn't get admitted into the university, that isn't new now abi? People don't get admitted so whats the big deal?
  Still in my depressed state of not gaining admission, I had an accident! Gbam! My femur was broken! Can I ever walk again?(mind you the femur is the longest and strongest bone in the human body), that occurred January 31, 2017, how would I cope? Okay that's not a problem right? It happens, I went through surgery, came out alive,  Glory to God and I was discharged to walk on crutches for 3months. During these times, I wasn't able to stand by myself, I couldn't bath myself, I wasn't able to clean up after using the toilet, I practically cannot do anything by myself. Horrible! Isn't it?
I was for those 3months miserable, that wasn't all...

  One month after the surgery, my kidneys were inflamed, my liver was packing up, my spleens were not okay, I was a living dead! How painful! How distraught! How tragic!

God where is your face? Is God really alive? If he really is, let Him perform a miracle now! God is just a fairytale! These were thoughts that ran through my mind.
I couldn't be left alone, mom cried helplessly, dad cried secretly, my sister looked hopeless, my brother looked distraught, I was dieing! Who could have thought I'd be the one writing this to you today?

  There comes a period of our lives called the NIGHT TIME/THE TRAVAILING SEASON,  when all seems to be against us, like our dreams would never be fulfilled, those are moments of loneliness, our best friends desert us then, we loose shape, all hopes seems shattered, all of our friends have overtaken us,  lets pause here to tell you two other stories.
   Gold and silver were very good friends and did things together, one day a farmer picked them and into the fire they went because he discovered they were jewels, after a short while, silver was out, oh what fresh air again it thought and started laughing at Gold 'oh my, that fire is hot, how long will you last? I told you I'm better than you, see again, I'm out before you....
   The chicken hatches its egg in 21days but here is the elephant who has to be pregnant for almost 3years, can you imagine the number of chicks the chicken would have produced? The chicken taunted the elephant; 'are you sure you're pregnant? How long will you wait for it?' The elephant simply answered 'my time'.
   See!, the longer the pain you go through, the brighter the future provided would be,use it to your advantage. The longer gold stays in fire, the brighter it shines. If the elephant gives birth at a time, and the baby is sold, it would buy the entire generation of the chicken. So don't hate those who despise you during those seasons.

   Don't give up on that dream! Don't let the pain of the moment decide your future, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It's about dawn when the night is darkest. The battle is fiercest when the victor is about to be announced! Hang on its a price for a glorious destiny. A woman's pain is highest when the baby is almost out, hang on! your baby of success is almost here! Be strong and of good courage God is with you. Joshua 1:3.

Edited by Wales


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