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Showing posts from December, 2018


You never done anything worthy if you live your life without anyone hurting, disappointing, disgracing or offending you. The beauty of life is that it comes with disappointments and offences from people you least expect. Unfortunately, some of us spend so much time on the disappointments and offences and end up becoming victims of all circumstances. Remember this one thing always: Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. The fact is that the world is full of annoying, naughty and ungrateful people; You will always come across them during the gentle stroll of your life span; But the best thing to do is to deal with them with love and maturity; You can’t get everyone to behave like you....Never!!! Hatred and intolerance have caused many of the world's problems and have solved none of them; We must learn to tolerate and forgive one another; We must bury the faults of others and move on with life. As you read this piece, I b...


All I think about is how to be successful, I have never really taken the time to think of how I can be happy. The scars of failure have given me a life that is far from fun. I have become so serious about life that I don’t have time for things that are fun. No doubt, I have failed several times, I was called different names by the ones that didn’t give up on me. My failure got to the extent that I was tired of my life. I had no more excuses, no more bed to fall upon, no more time to call my own, and no more joy to live life. I became weird to myself, I was ashamed of living life because every success story of people I heard reminded me that I was a failure. Through those time, I didn’t give up. Though I felt alone in a big space, I still held onto God because I knew only him can manage me. He is my last hope for life, he wasn’t able to push me away. My life was a lot of fun while I was growing up (still a kid), I was this person that was full of joy. Where ever I am, peo...


A great man once said "if you take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among people. after a while all the money will go back to their original owners". Why? The poor are mainly consumers and the rich are mainly investors. Show me a POOR man and I'll show you a man who P - Passes O - Over O - Opportunities R - Repeatedly. A man who sees challenges in every opportunity instead of seeing opportunity in every challenge. Being a MAN is not a title, it's a responsibility. It means you have to answer financially in the M - Morning A - Afternoon and N - Night. You must take great risks to receive greater rewards. You must plan and strategize, you must value profit not wages, you must be focused and you must be determined if you want good success. Last but not least, You must involve God. *"The worst people on earth to serve are the POOR PEOPLE"* POOR:  *meaning*  "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly" *S...


I write to you, young talented people who think talent is all they need in this planet called earth, I'm so sorry to burst your bubbles but that is and can never be the case. Hard work is a combination of two words that would still make perfect sense when used alone: *Hard*- Strong, solid and able to withstand pressure,  *Work*- efforts expended on a particular task. Joining these two words gives us a definition that is *efforts that can withstand pressure expended on a particular task*. Mind you, hard work isn't being on everything at the same time, It is expending efforts that can withstand pressure on a particular task, don't be a jack of all trade and a master of none. So many of us have heard this saying overtime but we really don't understand, let me try to break it down, when you are on everything, you'd never achieve anything, trust me, try watching TV and using your phone at the same time, to you its like you're doing two things at a go but on...


SO UNTRUE! It would come like a dream, the reality about it would be so untrue. The hustle and bustle would become useless. The love for money would fade, the hunger for food would be useless, and the fame and wealth you crave for would be idle. It would be so untrue that the doors of banks would be left open and the strong rooms where money is kept would be unguarded. The money you crave for would be worthless, it would be so free to get. The titles and degrees you have will all be worth nothing, none of your qualifications would be needed, and they will all become useless.  It would be so untrue that your mother wouldn’t care about you, your father would be nowhere to be found, your sister would be missing and your brothers gone. The prayers of pastors would no more be answered, bishops and cleaners would be on the same course, there will no more be respect because it would be gone. Your grades “As” and “Bs” would end up in the atmosphere, “the thin air”. Your atte...


THE LAW OF GROWTH A JOURNEY INTO A LIFE OF FULFILLMENT Dear Friends, LIFE IS SO SIMPLE BUT MORE DIFFICULT TO KEEP IT AT THAT We begin with this quote, this day, dear friends, as we journey into a realm or plain of possibility where everyone thinks you're proud, where your friends think you are discarding them, where when you don't feel the vibe anymore but people don't understand, have you ever been in this situation? And you don't know what to do? Or even still you don't know what it is you're going through? Or you know but you don't know how to sustain it, then this is for you, what you're going through is called the LAW OF GROWTH. This to you might look boring, but as you read you'd understand the basics of the law of growth and grow to embrace it as it is a fundamental law that governs this universe, *If you refuse to outgrow situations, Situations will force you to grow and when they do, they'd break you in a way you might not...