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It would come like a dream, the reality about it would be so untrue. The hustle and bustle would become useless. The love for money would fade, the hunger for food would be useless, and the fame and wealth you crave for would be idle. It would be so untrue that the doors of banks would be left open and the strong rooms where money is kept would be unguarded. The money you crave for would be worthless, it would be so free to get. The titles and degrees you have will all be worth nothing, none of your qualifications would be needed, and they will all become useless. 

It would be so untrue that your mother wouldn’t care about you, your father would be nowhere to be found, your sister would be missing and your brothers gone. The prayers of pastors would no more be answered, bishops and cleaners would be on the same course, there will no more be respect because it would be gone. Your grades “As” and “Bs” would end up in the atmosphere, “the thin air”. Your attention and personality will all become naught and useless, your efforts will no longer be needed.  

It would be so untrue that hospitals would be filled in and out, emergency would be at 100%, but not a single person will die. The plane in the air would be left unpiloted, sailors sailing the sea would be missing, and your maid will no longer do your chores because he is gone. 

It will be so untrue that Christians would be in the mode of worship, pastors would be in the spirit, the spirit filled would be speaking in tongues, the congregations would be filled with emotions but all is noise and useless. 
The reality about it is that it is true, because he has come. The one that we have forgotten and neglected, the reason we are all living has surfaced! Jesus has come, he has taken those that heard the trumpet sound, those that were awake. He told us that he would come, but we never listened, he sent his prophets, his servants, his maid and all manner of things to you but you never listened. He gave you opportunities to repent, you repented and returned back to sin. You cried and you were forgiven because he loves you so much.

Now! This is the reality, you are getting another chance, another golden opportunity because he still loves you. He does not want you to perish nor shed tears. 

written and edited by;
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