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My role as a Christian by Pastor KcWilliams

Pastor KcWilliams wrote...

So on Tuesday I had an engagement at Ajah Lagos and not being too sure of the traffic situation ( not after a terrible traffic experience the previous day ) I decided to do public transport and generally enjoy the Lagos spirit once again (lol).

While making my way to Mile-2 a thought dropped in my heart. The journey to Ajah is about an hour if you lucky to get a sane driver and semi sane conductor Lol not the type that will be stopping at every bus stop looking for passengers who are not looking for them!

So am I going to just sit in the bus for this 1 hour and probably block my ears with an earpiece far away from all those talks about Buhari and Atiku that one unsolicited political analyst is bound to give as if any of them is his distant cousin....
No! No!! Am going to use this one hour the best way I can! I will preach the gospel!
( this isn't the first time of me sharing word on transit but there was something bound to be different about this one )
So how do I get these folks undivided attention... How do I capture their mind and not just their head! I wanted them to understand this gospel I wanted to share!

Quickly another thought entered my mind... What if I paid every one T-fare?
What if I use that gesture as an illustration of how Christ paid all of our debts unsolicited for ( Romans 5:8 )

So I quickly did a quick financial mathematical equation in my head and the answer was relatively positive. Moreover anything for the gospel! Worst case scenario I would discipline myself from excess data subscription for the month!
So i called the conductor to the back of the bus privately and informed him that I would be paying for everyone.... Guess what the conductor said "Ahhh chairman you go pay for me ooo"  lol
We had a good laugh together and had an unbare business handshake lol. (Power changed hands)
So the journey started without the conductor screaming "everyone hold your change ooo"  lol.

Few minutes out of the garage the conductor announced to all of us that someone has paid for the T-fare of all!
Surprise and doubts was registered on most of the commuters face ( including myself, honestly I forgot I was the "somebody" that paid the fare! Lol )
So with the sudden silence in the bus I got up and quickly said... Good morning everyone....
Can we just pray together for this person who paid our fare!
Wow come and see prayers! It sounded like the prayer done at the last day of a three days Revival meetings.

We ended the prayers and I quickly switched on to my preacher mode in a commando style...
My brother's and sisters this kind gesture of this man that paid for our fare just reminds me of how Jesus paid for all our sins even without us asking for it.....  The whole passengers were all nodding and I sighted a man at the back seriously praying in tongues under his breath and I smiled to myself and said within me ( a familiar spirit is here ) Hahahah. (If you know you know)
I took the redemption story from the most unconventional angle... I shared from my heart. I could see tears in some peoples eyes! I saw willingness to receive the life of Christ in their response!

I saw how much they wanted to enter into this new life I shared about! I shared stories of what I thought salvation was and how I came into the light by the word of God... The brother at the back (familiar spirit ) instantly became my assistant. He had a KJV Bible with him reading out all scriptures I called out with so much swiftness that he reminds me of our awesome media guys in church who operates under the gift of words of knowledge while projecting scriptures! Putting up scriptures am about to call accurately without me pre-informing them!

Then something amazing happened. Just after the Cheveron estate, the driver pulled over and I led almost all of them to Christ and a few re-assured of their salvation. I prayed earnestly for them and shared with them some obvious challenges they are likely to face as new babes in Christ.

Most of them were asking Pastor please where is your church..? I smiled and said our church is not yet in Lagos we are coming soon. One of them right there suggested we open a WhatsApp group so we all can be in touch. To my amazement one of the passengers brought out her book and started jotting down everyone numbers with the aim of creating the group. I was almost tearing out. It was a lovely sight!

Many of them spoke in tongues and it was so easy as the brother at the back helped out joining hands with the passengers at the back and it was a smooth operation!
Did I mention the conductor has a blister in his hands and has been a major pain for him and right there during the prayers I spoke against all forms of pain and seconds in the prayers without any pressure added the blister bursted open and that was the end of the pain. A pregnant lady at the second role was ministered to and I told her she will give birth to a bouncing baby girl and she screamed amen ( she said she has 6 boys and been hoping and trusting on God for a girl)

Another lady with chest pain was instantly healed! The greatest of all this testimonies was a guy carrying a keyboard ( obviously an instrumentalist ) after my ministration he kept on shedding tears and upon enquiry he said sir i have been a church boy but I don't know Jesus. Its just like this Jesus I have heard of is totally different. The young man was obviously broken. I encouraged him further in the Lord. At this stage I have passed my bus-stop but all join nothing spoil.
Job done already and I told the driver i will get off the next bus-stop.

As I got down the bus and turned and looked at the bus carrying all saints I smiled and felt this sense of divine fulfilment. I honestly wished Jesus will just come right away ( you know that feeling na lol )
I just took a step or two then I heard a thunderous thank you pastor that was almost embarrassing as passerby were trying to figure out exactly what was going on. (Obviously the driver or the conductor must have told them whom the "somebody" that paid the fare was.

Lol I kuku faced front and pretended as if i was deaf in the spirit (lol)
It was one of the best days of this early year.
2019 we shine!
We spread Jesus!
We give!
We prosper!

I hope you got encouraged never to waste the bus time! My next try will possible be on a flight (lol) that's if the airline would permit lol. If not my next seat partner is in serious trouble cos I will make him or her a church of one!
Do have a lovely day.

Written and copied from Pastor Kcwilliams (GraceMan)


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