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Life Challenges;
They come but to make you stronger.
It's very obvious that most people are scared to face challenges. People are scared if they would be able to survive, they are scared of what would become of them.

Wouldn't it be very pleasant if there wasn't anything called challenge or trials in life?
Imagine going to school without writing an exam, 
Imagine if there isn't anything called work, 
Just Imagine that nobody thought of it to make electricity:Imagine Life without electricity, 
Imagine you walk from your house to your place of work or school or wherever you are headed to, without a means of transport?
Imagine nobody faced the challenge of making an automobile, an aircraft, the phone you cannot do without. 

There are many things to Imagine, but all of them are different forms of challenges, and people faced them and succeeded.
They tried and failed many times, but they didn't give up. 

They were told to quit, but they saw their victory ahead. It wasn't pleasant, but they endured the pain, the hunger, the isolation, mockery, and denied themselves rest, just to make the world a better place for you to live in. 

But the shocking thing in all is that; there won't be anything called success if there wasn't anything called challenge.

Think about it, What would you celebrate and share testimony about? Would there be anything thing called success story?
Would you have ever been celebrated and be among those that a had past, sitting on the high table been applauded for, if you didn't face that challenge?

The truth of it all is that; challenges helps to bring the best in you, it gives you your success story when you face them. 

It makes you stronger, bold and confident in life.
It gives you an edge in life, and makes you fit for promotion, and that challenge you are facing is a stepping stone to your next phase in life. So, don't Give up!

It's a scary thing to say that "Life without challenges, would be very boring".

In whatever way you're facing one challenge or the other, don't give up but hold on. Keep trying and don't back out, because that might be your certificate for promotion.
When you're feeling tired and frustrated, ask for help and most importantly, ask God for help and direction.
Remember, you're uniquely created to make the world a better place, so Do It Now!!!



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