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What is my business?
I don't care.
What he/she does with his/her life is none of my business!
He's not a member of my family, so who cares?
He doesn't pay my bills......

It's your Business!
it's your concern! and
it's all a privilege!.

See, life isn't only about me, myself , I, all the time......,
it is also about others, it's about you impacting and helping people positively. It's also about you helping people get to their destination, and If you are privilege to help someone get to the top, kindly do it.

The only thing you will be remembered for is how you've impacted my life, how you've motivated me when I was down, how you prayed for me and how you took care of me. You won't be remembered for how much money you've, or how many cars you bought or how many houses you built.

It's so bad these days that people want people to be good to them, without them been the good example themselves. They want others to show concern, when they themselves aren't concerned about others.

Impacting others isn't all about giving money, it isn't all about putting food on someone else table. It is more about how you make people feel. It's about you giving a little bit of your time just to hear someone out, it's about listening and giving someone good advice, it's about showing people how to put food on their table by themselves.

You'll be amazed that the good little things you do to people consistently, go a long way in their lives.

Having a better world should start from you. Life is short, in just some number of years, you're gone. And in some months you begin to fade in the hearts of people. Even your family will eventually forget you and move on, but the life of impact you've lived will continue to be remembered and may even be passed from one generation to the other.

If you want a better world, be the better world.
If you want good people around you, be a good person.

And note, when helping others, don't expect anything in return. Do what you can do.
Some people will love it and thank you, while others will forget to say thanks. But all the same, don't let that weigh you down, your life is different from their life and your good deeds are mostly remembered by God. And also don't stress yourself out by trying to help everyone, but help those you're privilege to, and you'll be happy you did.
Jesus Christ is a perfect example you can live by.


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Thanks and much love!!!



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