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It's actually sad that we tend to say a lot of things about people when they are dead than when they are alive.

"If she don't call me, I won't call her",

"If he doesn't show interest in my business, why should I be concerned about him?"

"If she feel she's too big to call, me sef ehn, I'll let her know I'm doing well without her".......

I wonder how people want love and they're not ready to give love,
I wonder how many people want connections in life, but they feel like, what does he/she have to offer in my life?,
It's so so funny that people want what they aren't ready to give.

See ehn, even Jesus Christ my savior and my lord, gave himself so that he can have me. What else do I want from him, in what manner can he show me that he loves me? Or can you die for me?
("Lol., if you die for me, it cannot save me, so don't bother thinking about it".)

But seriously, it's bad when you feel that you don't need to check up on your fellow friends, neighbor, colleagues, classmates or course mate because you feel they are doing fine or you feel they can't do you any good.

Some of us feel like I don't care; mean while deep down us, we're craving to talk with someone, but because of your pride and ego, you feel too big to make a call.

Some of us need connections in life, but you think until you meet Dangote or Minister of finance you cannot get the right connection.

I laugh at you. You think you can get to the top by mistake,
NO! You can't.
It's somebody somewhere that will tell someone, that he knows somebody who knows someone that is fit for that job, or position or even fit to take care of people.

I know we can't keep up with everyone, but sometimes ehn, you need to even check if your enemy is still alive so you can know whatsup. (LOL.)

We all are important to ourselves, no one is irrelevant. The role you decide to play in people's lives will determine the impact you've made.

Don't think people are alright without you, Yes! They might be proud or too shy but you're important to them.

Some people just need you to talk to them and make them feel alright that's all. Don't assume anyone is alright.
Yes! We all have issues that we're dealing with, but I can feel relieved knowing that I've someone that remembers me. So, In your little capacity, spread love by giving someone a call today.

Before I relax, lemme say this:
Life is too short to make people forget you early, the truth is that, they will still forget you when you die, do you want to be forgotten early? (drop some of your ego)

(Note: if the reason you're not calling is to avoid a bad relationship, kindly do not call, but check your intentions.)

Spread love in your little way!
I rest my case.
(stopped typing)


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Thanks so much!
Much love



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