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An enemy will continue to torment you, until you TELL THE ONE that's greater than the enemy.


For example *as a child,* you broke a plate in your own father's house and the housemaid was there when you did, so he holds it as an allegation against you.

So anytime you're alone with the maid, he cheats you or may even beat you. And after beating or cheating on you, he tells you that, 

"if you try to tell your mum, I'll expose your secret with me. I'll tell mummy that you broke the only plate that she loves so much".

So he does this all the time, he creates fear in you, he makes you feel scared of your own mum and may even create a boundary between you and your mum.

And for a long time, the child is being tormented by the maid in his house.

The mum is suspecting that something is going on with her child. She knows that something is wrong.

She then asks her child;

"My dear, what's is wrong? Open up to me?" 

The child wants to talk, but due to the fear that he knows that he would be alone with the maid when his mum would go to work, he keeps quiet and hold it in, not telling his mum what he did and says "mum, nothing is wrong I'm fine"


The child didn't know that mum already noticed that a plate was missing.

The child didn't know that mum already asked the maid what happened to the plate and the maid said;

"Junior, your child broke the plate"

The child didn't know that to his mum, he was more precious than gold, more than the broken plate.

And the child didn't know that if he told his mum his little secret and all that has been happening, at that very instant of time she would send the maid packing out of the house..... 


There was a night after a long day at work for mum, she went straight to bed. That day, the maid punished the child internally (emotionally), without leaving a scar on him.

But while the child was sleeping, from his sleep even without waking up, he began to cry. He cried aloud while sleeping that everyone in the house had to wake up and check up on him. When they got there, the child was begging his mum while sleeping "mummy I'm sorry, I broke your plate and Anty Mary said, she'll tell you I broke the plate if I tell you that she has beating me and not giving me food while you were at work" 

I leave the rest of the story for you to complete and decide what the mum would do.

Like the child, 

Many of us are being tormented in our own territory (house), scared of being exposed to our father that truly loves us.

I'll advise you to tell that little secret of yours, that the tormenter knows about (the maid) to your Father (God) cos He already knows about it.

Think on this thing!






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