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In one of the states in the federation, a non-Muslim commissioner was given a Muslim driver to be driving him for official duties. Religion had never been an issue between them. They both tolerated and respected each other's religion.

Although they hadn't been together for long, the commissioner had tried his best to treat the driver with kindness. Sometimes he gave or bought him food. Sometimes he ignored him.

One morning, the commissioner called the driver and asked him to drive him to a town some few kilometres away from the capital city, for a meeting with traditional rulers. The driver complained he hadn't eaten and requested for some time to eat. The commissioner pleaded with him and promised to provide him with food.

The driver agreed. He rushed to the commisoner's residence, where the car was normally parked, started the car and drove it slowly to the exit door of the commissioner. He opened the back door, sat and, just before the driver drove, his wife brought a food flask and carefully placed it beside him. She brought some bottles of table water and placed them by the food flask.

The driver drove. After they got far, the commissioner thought for awhile and opened the flask. It's filled with pepper soup with big, big meat in it. He ate some pieces of the meat and drank the soup without offering a piece to the driver.

The driver began to find it difficult to swallow his saliva. But he didn't say or do anything. The car was filled with the aroma of the pepper soup. Close your eyes and imagine it.

When they got to their destination, the driver halted. The commissioner wiped his hand with tissue paper, told the driver he's coming back and went into the palace.

As  soon as he went in, the driver cautiously opened the flask, ate some meat and drank the soup. He then brought out a nylon and put some pieces in it and hid it somewhere in the car. He's now OK.

Some minutes later, a lady came to the driver and gave him jollof rice with fried chicken in a plate.

'It's from Honourable,' she said.

'Na gode,' the driver replied. Just as he's about the start eating, the commissioner stepped out of the palace and came to the driver.

'Hajia has brought food for you, ko?' he asked the driver.

'Yes, Wallahi. Na gode sossai Honourable,' he replied.

'I know you'd wonder why I ate food without offering it to you. Naman alade ne (it's pig meat)I know you're a Muslim. That's why I didn't offer it to you.' He said and went back to the palace.

That very moment, the driver realised that he ate big, big pieces of pig meat, something which is forbidden in Islam his religion. He brought out the pieces he hid in a nylon and observed it. It's indeed pig meat.

That's the problem with negative assumption.

The driver wouldn't have eaten it if he hadn't had a negative assumption about the commissioner. Always assume good of people.

All I'm saying is:

...avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin.

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